Check out this fantastic video about educating students with various learning disabilities. Even though it uses some outdated language in the first few minutes, you will find the lessons are still applicable today!
Disability Awareness Packet
SEPTA Grant Information
Please visit our Garden City SEPTA grant program page for information and to see some examples of how some of our staff members support inclusion. We strongly encourage teachers and support staff to take advantage of this opportunity.
GC SEPTA has given out over $100,000 in grant money districtwide. Our grant program allowed us to provide equipment to support existing programs and to implement many new programs districtwide. Document cameras, iPads, digital cameras, and a Nearpod are some of the valuable equipment purchases that will encourage, stimulate, and enhance creative instruction districtwide. Our grant money also funds the grassroots, student centered recycling program called The Green Team. GC SEPTA provides programs that not only support special education students but ALL the students in our district.
new friendships
partnerships with special educators, therapists, and other service providers
support systems (supplementary aids and services)
inservice programs and consultation helpful to all learners
improved teaching skills
new perspectives on teaching and learning
becoming skilled at differentiated instruction for all learners
sharing and learning techniques and materials
special education assistance with students who are developing typically
sense of accomplishment in supporting all students to achieve their potential
improved collaboration skills
co-teaching support
effective use of resources
family involvement
university involvement through research and practica support
federal and state funding of supported inclusive education
engagement with support organizations
supporting civil rights
Supporting Inclusive Schools for the Success of Each Child: A Guide for States on Principal Leadership
Please also visit this site from Grand Valley State University’s START Project on Promoting Inclusion and Belonging.
Meaningful inclusion is demonstrated when people with disabilities are involved in natural, everyday activities and given opportunities to be involved in ways similar to their peers who do not have a disability. The goal is to make society more inclusive for everyone. Inclusion is not a time of day or a place. It is feeling a sense of belonging in your community.”
Check out this terrific video about Inclusion!
More ideas to promote inclusion in your classroom and beyond!
How to support children with developmental language disorders in the classroom.
Click below to read this recent article: Inclusive education means all children are included in every way, not just in theory.
Fitting In: For children with disabilities, integrating with... : Neurology Now
“If only I knew then what I know now”
30 Ways to Support Inclusion in your Classroom
Help make inclusive education a reality for all students with disabilities, including those with extensive support needs. We can help with evidence-based knowledge and resources designed for creating high-quality fully inclusive classrooms and schools.
20 Ways to Teach Non-Disabled Kids about their Disabled Peers.
Click the above to view the easy-to-follow video explaining the basics of Down syndrome created by the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation. This educational video is great for use in school classrooms.
From Swift Schools by Dr. Andrea Mayfield
One thing you definitely do not want to do is to move students into a less restrictive environment without considering a few key things. Here is what I suggest:
Determine the academic and social needs of the students. How can students actively participate in the general education environment? What supports are already available? What supports are needed (personnel, materials, space)?
Train staff and support personnel on how to integrate students into the general curriculum. Consider integrating for an activity or content before full integration is implemented.
Design activities in which students can work in small mixed-ability groups together. Students do really learn from one another, and mixed ability groups can also teach children how to be sociable.
Ask students with disabilities to perform specific roles or tasks to get them involved. Do not use their disabilities to define what they can or cannot do.
Involve parents and students in planning their IEP as their input is valuable. The non-academic skills that are discussed will help to support attainment of academic skills. Encourage students to share their interests and reflect them in the plans when possible.Always remember that each child should have an individualized education program (IEP), and placement should be made based on the child's skills, abilities, and social readiness. Do not try to fit a child into a program; instead, design a program that fits the child. Students with the most significant needs are just children who need additional time and support. They present schools with challenges, but they are not insurmountable challenges. Considering the learning environments in this way can be an opportunity to provide these students with a more comprehensive program that enhances their overall development. Inclusive environments help to tap the potential benefits these children can receive and add to the growing number of effective techniques that will help each of these students reach their full potential.
Teaching your child about peers with special needs
Etiquette for working with students with disabilities
What is Differentiated Instruction?
Augmentative Communication and Classroom Learning Considerations
Check out this very helpful interactive chart for behaviors click here
Preventing Problem Behaviors for Students with Developmental Challenges
Check out this handbook on troubleshooting executive functioning from the Jericho School District
Sensory Processing and Sensory Diet Information
Click here to Learn about sensory processing from a child's prospective.
Would you like to help make a team or club more inclusive?
Click here to view this guide from Autism Speaks
The purpose of this guide is to better prepare community organizations to serve youth and families with autism. The information will help organizations learn to integrate youth with autism into existing programs, communicate with parents, and train their staff. For more info, click here.
Click below for the short film entitled "Inclusion Is Belonging":
For more details, visit here.