Garden City SEPTA Members are parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators and friends. We share a commitment to provide ALL students with the high quality education provided by our district. All members of the community are welcome to join us in supporting this vision.

What we do:

  • Support a variety of services that address unique learning abilities (including, special education classes, resource rooms, consultants, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, gifted & talented programs, etc.)

  • Advocate for inclusion of students receiving special education

  • Improve communication between parents, school personnel and administrators

  • Educate the community on the benefits of including children of ALL abilities in the exceptional social, athletic and cultural events that take place in Garden City

  • Host a variety of speakers to address common parental concerns (i.e. Assistive Technology, Auditory Processing, Anxiety, Homework, etc.)

See GC SEPTA in action!

Questions or comments?  Ideas or suggestions?  

Let us know, we love hearing from you! Any general questions, comments or suggestions for SEPTA?  Click here to send them to our attention. 

Do you think your child needs an evaluation? Click here for some template letters to send to our Pupil Personnel Department.

Some history….

GC SEPTA went through a rebranding in 2012. At that time, the current SEPTA (a small handful of dedicated women) was very close to disbanding due to lack of parental involvement. Once the new group took office, those first few years were transformative. Up until that point, there was hardly any input from SEPTA at Administration meetings. We did not have any social media accounts or even a website. Those first years, our new volunteers made it their business to be present at each and every meeting - principal meetings, interview committees, curriculum discussions, etc. We felt it was crucial for a SEPTA representative to be included in every discussion when it came to the education of our children.

We have come a long way. Garden City SEPTA is no longer an afterthought, we stand side by side with our PTA and now have dedicated building directors and curriculum representatives for all our buildings. We have a strong social media following, an award winning newsletter and a dedicated website which is utilized by special education families across Long Island. We are a strong group of advocates and and with your help, hope to stay that way in the upcoming years.

volunteer with GC SEPTA

Get involved! Learn to become your child’s best advocate and meet a lot of wonderful people in the process.